London Marathon

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Dear Body

Dear Body, Hiya! It's the brain here, long time no see. Now, I think it's time for us to have a little chat. This Sunday you're planning on running, yes running, the London Marathon - I thought of it remember... Anyway, the thing is, I've done my bit by waking you up in the morning to train and motivating you to get through long runs over the last 11 months; now it's your turn to pull your finger out and perform on the day. Listen here legs, yeah I'm talking to you! The bulk of the work is going to be on you this Sunday and frankly if you don't behave and do as I ask then there will be trouble. I've worked too long and hard on psyching up for this event for you to hit 'the wall' if there is such a thing, pffft! And as for you calf muscles, none of this tearing business on the day either. You've let me down already in the lead up, I don't need any more of your silly games. I've pampered you with massages and physio appointments - even acupuncture! So no funny business, got it! Oi! Feet! Don't walk away from me while I'm speaking to you! You've been good enough not to get any blisters during training, so the 17th is not the time to start. You have nice shoes, running socks and I've trimmed your toe nails especially for the day, so there should be no complaints from you. E'hem, pssst, bladder, bowel? A quick word. I don't much enjoy wetting myself or even worse... well you know what I'm trying to say... So inevitably you will come calling during the 26.2 miles, so if you must come ringing then just make it close to a porta-loo and make it quick. Preferably I would rather the gingerbread man stayed at home, but if he must come along for the race, do make it a quick visit, ideally before the run - cheers. Body, I think you get the picture, don't let me down (I have faith). You'll get a nice breakfast before hand and some yummy gels and lucozade along the way, so I guess there's not much left to say other than good luck and I'll see you on the course to cheer you on. Love, The Brain xx